Sicuanga Multilingual League
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Spirit Café Salon Auditorium Sign up Q & A

創辦人 Terry 新書《這位台灣郎會說 25 種語言》已上市!
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Our objective

  “Language learning” reminds us of our language classroom experience in school --- endless grammar drills, verb conjugation paradigms and test scores. Language is thought to be a form of knowledge that can be taught like mathematics or astronomy. However, many of us have taken years of Spanish and French and may have aced every class but yet we can barely speak these aced languages. This method of “study the language” apparently does not work for most people. In contrast, the term “language acquisition” describes the process of how we learn to speak our mother tongues or any languages in a natural setting. It is unconscious and does not require any form of grammatical knowledge. We believe that the best and most efficient way to learn languages, for both adults and children, is to capitalize our innate ability of “language acquisition” via natural immersion.
  “Language is not to be taught but acquired” is our central motto. Instead of teaching a specific language, our aim is to create immersion environments that facilitate language acquisition. We also design training programs to help people utilize their potential to acquire languages efficiently.
  Currently, we are running “Multilingual Café”, “Multilingual Salon” and “Multilingual Auditorium”. You are welcome to join any of these events and we will cater to all your linguistic needs and desires.

* Sicuanga means toucan in Ecuadorian Kichwa

A word from the Founder --- Terry Hsieh

  When I was 20, inspired by my Latin professor Dr. Valentino and Linguistics Professor Karen Chung, I decided to become a polyglot and started to learn many languages. Soon I realized that I have an even keener interest in understanding how people actually learn languages and how to help people learn. Then I began my journey in looking for the best way to learn languages and the method for learning many languages that work for everyone. I spent the last 10 years traveling the world , trying to pick up as many languages as I can, including Ecuadorian Kichwa and KiSwahili in Tanzania. In addition, I passed tons of language proficiency tests (JLPT L1, TestDaF, DALF C1 ,etc.), studied neurobiology, cognitive science and earned an M.A. in linguistics. After all these toils and efforts, I finally had a Eureka moment and found my linguistic gold mine. Today, I’d like to share this gold mine with you. You can find all the linguistic veins and secrets of language acquisition on Sicuanga Multilingual League and participate in our events to practice.

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